Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall.. Soup.. Books!!

    The first day of fall is finally here. We can look forward to cooling days, bonfires, hockey, football and many other wonderful winter things. Today is also World Rhino Day, a to bring awareness to the plight of the worlds rhinos. And to ensure future generations will be able to go see a rhino in the wild or even see one in a zoo at this point. It is becoming critical for the rhinos. Over 600 rhino have been poached in South Africa this year alone, last year 668 were poached. The numbers are increasing dramatically every year. This week is also Banned Book Week. This is a foreign concept to me. Why ban a book? If I don't want to read it or don't want my child to read it guess what I don't.. or i don't allow them to. I know its an out there idea, but it's how I roll. And If my child happens to read it behind my back... um its a book. I would rather her read a book than smoke a joint behind my back. Why does someone else feel they have the right or even the authority to dictate what someone else shouldn't be allowed to read? I don't understand it. If you have a better 'learned' explanation please let me know because its beyond my little minded scope of understanding.
    First day of Fall kicked off with a great start. The weather was superb cool and breezy. I'm looking forward to grilling more. Whoever gets excited about grilling in the summer is completely insane. Grilling in 100 degree weather is not for me. Give me 60's or 70's even and I'm thrilled! Ohh!! and soups!! Fall and Winter is perfect soup weather!! Soup is one of my absolute favorite things to make and to eat. YUMMM.. what's one of your favorite soup recipes? I have several, though none are my own. I've gotten them off the Internet, from friends, or from old cookbooks. I love learning new ones so please share a recipe! Here is one of mine :) as soon as its cool I'm making this. It has become my absolute favorite. And I guess it is probably not for everyone but I adore it:

African Chicken Peanut Stew

2-3# chicken legs, thighs or wings (boneless is best used in this)
3Tbs vegetable oil
1 large onion
a 3in piece of ginger peeled and minced
6-8 garlic cloves  chopped roughly
2-3# sweet potatoes (tho you can substitute with regular potatoes if preferred) Peeled cut into chunks
1- 15oz can crushed tomatoes
1qrt chicken stock
1c peanut butter
1c roasted peanuts
1tbsp ground coriander
1tsp cayenne or to taste
Salt and pepper

1. Heat oil in tall soup pot over medium high heat. Salt chicken parts, pat dry and brown in pan. Don't over crowd so do a few at a time until done. Set aside.
2. Saute onions in the oil for 3-4 minutes, stirring often, scraping the brown bits off the bottom of the pan. Add the garlic and ginger and sate for another 1-2 mins. Then add the potatoes. Stir well to coat and combine.
3. Add the chicken, chicken broth, crushed tomatoes, peanut butter, peanuts, cayenne, and coriander stir until its mixed well. Bring to a simmer cover and cook for about an hour. Check to see if chicken is done and potatoes are tender. Cook another 30 mins if not quite done.
4. Take chicken pieces out to cool until they can be pulled apart by hand. Throw away the skin and shred the meat. Put shredded meat back in the pot.
5. Taste to see if you need more salt or cayenne. Then add as much black pepper as you can stand, it is supposed to be peppery.  Enjoy!

     Well as the day is drawing to an end I think I will snuggle into my couch and read one of my favorite authors Marliss Melton. I'm currently reading her SEAL Team 12 series. Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE a good series! This one is probably one of the best ones yet. Her characters grow with each book and you learn new things about each one. You can't wait to find out what happens to them in their own book. They have a depth to them that is very compelling and I enjoy the stories. I enjoy learning who each one is and look forward to hearing about them. If you would like to read a Marliss Melton book here is her  SEAL Team 12book list and be sure to check out her website for latest releases and monthly contests. So until next time....

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