Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Sky

I know, funny thing to write about... but every morning on my way to take the kids to school I look at the clouds (if their are any) and I get to see the sunrise. Sadly I don't get to stop and take pictures because I have to be at school on time, but they are so rich in color lately. Even when their aren't any colors the clouds look so amazing. I don't know if many people take the time to look at the clouds, sunsets, sunrises, or even the stars. Do you remember when you were a kid and you would look up at the clouds and see shapes? Those days were so great.. Warm and sweet smelling and just laying back watching the clouds change shapes... I play that game with my girls now. I still love finding shapes in them. The girls find some of the funniest things in the clouds.. their imagination is wonderful! The sunrises are probably my favorite site.. a new day saying hello and the lights playing on the clouds if I'm lucky enough to have them. Yesterdays sunrise was amazing.. it looked like the sky was on fire and was lighting each cloud it touched with flames. I never wanted my camera so bad. I thank God for the beautiful sunrises and the beautiful clouds that capture me.. because I feel like he sent them to me as a hug and to let me know he is there. What better way to let a person know they are loved than to send them something so beautiful? Something that they already love? I cherish each one and even tho I don't have a camera with me to capture them all I hold them all in my mind and look through them when I need to. The sunsets are just as beautiful and captivating and a kiss goodnight. Some are more lovely than others. And when the Sun is gone the stars come out to greet you like old friends. On moonless nights they shine with all they have and millions of lights in the sky. We try to learn all the constellations.. and its not easy! We really get lost in them so many to look at. We are lucky where we live their aren't any light.. another good thing about living in the woods! I just cant describe the beauty of the stars.. like millions of raindrops sparkling on a spiderweb.. I guess what I'm trying to say in my chaotic way is take the time to see the clouds, sunrises, sunsets and look at the stars. Its a beautiful gift from God everyday for us to see and take with us if we wish to. So, until next time...

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